Homoeopathy is a form of holistic medicine based on the principle that 'like treats like', i.e. a substance which causes symptoms when taken in large doses may be used in much smaller doses to help with similar symptoms in another person.
Homoeopathy uses specially prepared, highly diluted substances which are selected for each client, according to their specific symptoms.
The stimulus of the remedy aims to benefit your general health and wellbeing by encouraging your system to clear itself of symptoms of imbalance.
In order to find the right remedy for you, your homoeopath needs to know about you as a person, your complaints and how you experience your symptoms, about your general health and medical history and about your diet and lifestyle. An initial consultation takes around an hour, while subsequent consultations are shorter and focus more on what has changed for you since taking a remedy.
I recommend that you maintain your relationship with your doctor and do not change, start or stop any medication they have prescribed for you without first consulting them. Homoeopathy and conventional approaches can be used alongside each other to give effective and appropriate medical care.
I am a registered member of The Society of Homeopaths (accredited by the Professional Standards Authority) and abide by their strict Code of Ethics and Practice.